1. Multiple OSPF processes are supported as in OSPFv2
2. OSPFv3 supports IPv6 whereas OSPFv2 doesn't.
3. Uses multicast addresses FF02::5 and FF02::6
4. Type 3 and type 9 LSAs carry IPv6 prefix information, whereas IPv4 prefix information is carried in type 1 and type 2 LSAs
OSPF for IPv6 requires the use of IPsec to enable authentication. The IPv6 AH (Authentication Hearder) and ESP extension headers are used to provide authentication and confidentiality to OSPF for IPv6.
1. ipv6 ospf authentication - This command enables the IPsec AH
2. The ipv6 ospf encryption - This command initiates the IPsec ES
3. The ESP header may be applied alone or in combination with the AH, and when ESP is used, both encryption and authentication are provided.
4. OSPFv3 uses the IPv6 multicast addresses FF02::5 (for all OSPF routers) and FF02::6.
5. OSPFv3 IPv6 routers can support many addresses per interface, including the linklocal address, global unicast addresses, and multicast addresses.
Typical steps involved to enable OSPFv3 are
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1
Note that you need to enable ipv6 routing on the interface prior to configuring OSPFv3.
Steps required for enabling ospf in area 0 are (assuming that the interface Ethernet 0/0 is being configured):
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0/0
Router(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0
OSPFv3 uses the IPv6 multicast addresses FF02::5 (for all OSPF routers) and FF02::6
Internet's Multicast backbone (known as MBONE) uses DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing protocol) for Multicasting.
PIM is a Multicast routing protocol (just as DVMRP and MOSPF) supported by Cisco routers, and used between routers. Cisco routers does not support DVMRP and MOSPF. However, Cisco routers support PIM to DVMRP interaction, so that DVMRP packets are read, and necessary action is taken.
CGMP is a protocol used between Cisco routers and Cisco Catalyst switches.
Cisco routers do not support MOSPF.